
Showing posts from November, 2009

15: Do you believe that you are the only one to know the truth?

I’ve already touched on this briefly, the answer is no, I don’t believe that I’m the only one to know the truth. I’m not really sure what is meant by “the truth”, the way that your asking it, because there are many truths. Any statement that is true, is a truth! However, the interesting thing about truth is that it has multiple levels to it. Math is the best way to illustrate ‘truth’ because it does not require any words that need to be predefined. This is true 16 = 4 * 4. So, if someone where to say “16 is 4 * 4”, they would be making a true statement. If they told that to a child, the child may believe it. Now when the child goes home, his brother tells him, “16 is 2 * 8”, the child’s first reaction may be, “No it isn’t, 16 is 4 * 4!” If that child is not open to other peoples views, then he/she will never realize that there is more than one truth, and will only see things as one way, that is mutually exclusive. So what’s the best way to describe 16? Well its 2*8, 4*4, 4 squared, 2

14: Why practice meditation?

Everyone should practice meditation in order to take a proactive role in the way that their mind is programmed. Our mind is always working on something and constantly trying to define and refine information sent to it from our senses and our conscious mind. I’ll define that action here as a ‘thought pattern’. Thought patterns are bridges between thoughts and emotions. For example, if you’re an alien from another planet and your ship crashes in the jungle, you may need to gather food. You see that monkeys are eating bananas but when you try it, it tastes bad and you vomit. Then you notice that there are green ones and yellow ones, and that the monkeys are eating the yellow ones. After some time of eating the yellow ones, seeing yellow bananas makes you want to eat but seeing the green ones makes you almost feel sick. This is actually a survival trait inherited from our animal base. As animals, it may take hundreds of generations, but at some point, you could take a newborn animal, and w

13: Are you trying to create your own religion or cult? What’s the point?

I’m absolutely not trying to organize anything. In fact, I encourage that people follow what they feel is right. We all have had individual experiences and all have our own perspective. There is a reason why people believe what they believe, so there is no reason for me to assume that I can convince anyone of anything. In fact, I can’t say that I know exactly what someone needs to hear or even how they will react to what I think is right. No one can own truth, it’s just there to be observed! Look at organized religion today. There are people that do things contrary their own religion based on their interpretation of their religion. Another factor that I’d like to re-iterate, is that my version of what truth is, is limited to my understanding of truth. The truth is a constant, and I believe that I have been exposed to allot of it but anyone may have a better understanding of any point of truth that I communicate. If another person shows me a better understanding of the truth, I’m comple

12: Do you have a problem with organized religion?

That’s a tricky question because the answer is both yes and no. First, I’ll talk about what I don’t have a problem with. One of the things that I specifically was able to take in during my experience was the balance in the universe and specifically here on Earth, since that’s where I was focused. When I was a child I used to want to be able to ‘save’ the world. My experience showed me that it didn’t need saved because it was where it was supposed to be. I used to except that as an end answer but now I still want to try my best to influence the world in a harmonious direction. I don’t have a problem with any religion because there is a reason that any particular person has a particular belief. It would be against everything I believe to judge another person! If there weren’t a reason for religion then no one would participate in it. That means there is a reason for religion to exist. One could write an entire volume on what religion has contributed to humankind. Of course one could also

11: What is the multiverse made out of?

The multiverse is made out of energy, energy converters, and space. By space, I’m referring to the ‘vacuum’ in-between stars and planets. By energy, I’m referring to anything that exists, through space. Energy includes solid objects, which represent the slowest vibration of energy, liquid objects which are faster than solid, gas objects which are faster than liquid, radioactive objects which are yet faster. Radio waves are the lowest vibrating or have the largest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum below (source: Better yet here is a chart I sketched up for you explaining the full circle of energy. Obviously ‘planet’ is earth, ‘star’ is sun, and ‘being’ is humankind, in our case: The circle works like this; super-consciousness manifests in the center of a star, the energy is slowed down and emitted from the star’s center. Plants feed off of light energy through photosynthesis. This energy is absorbed by t

10: How was the multiverse/universe created?

Scientist can now basically backtrack the creation of the universe through mathematics. We know how fast light travels; it takes about 8 min for light to travel from the sun to the earth. So, if the sun were to go out all of the sudden, we wouldn’t see that it had for 8min. That’s the reason why we use the unit light-year for distance. If something is one light-year away, it would take one year for a beam of light travel from it to the observer. This also means that if we look at something that is one light-year away, we are seeing events that took place one year prior. The next part of the puzzle is to understand the current expansion of this universe, which we do. Reversing the pattern of its expansion, gives us a fairly accurate reading of its origin, about 15 billion years ago. I call this the universe, the place where we exist right now. Do other universes exist? I don’t know the answer to that off hand but I do know that it is fair to assume that they do. Therefore, I use the te

9: What is ‘defining’?

According to : Main Entry: de·fine Pronunciation: \di-ˈfīn\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): de·fined; de·fin·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Latin definire, from de- + finire to limit, end, from finis boundary, end Date: 14th century transitive verb 1 a : to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of - whatever defines us as human b : to discover and set forth the meaning of (as a word) c : to create on a computer -define a window -define a procedure 2 a : to fix or mark the limits of : demarcate -rigidly defined property lines b : to make distinct, clear, or detailed especially in outline -the issues aren't too well defined 3 : characterize, distinguish -you define yourself by the choices you make — Denison University Bulletin The big thing missing from that definition is that in order to define something you need to define what that something is not. For instance, what’s white? The opposite of black is what

8: What do you mean by “male” and “female”, their energy and their role in religion?

It’s important to note that when I talk about male and female energy, I’m not referring to men and women. Everybody is built up of a combination of male and female energy. In general we are born the gender of the dominant energy. Obviously this is not true in all cases. Therefore when I say male/female energy is this, or that, I’m not saying that all men/women are a certain way I’m making a general observation about too different types of energy male/female. There are other names for this difference of energy like yin and yang. Yin is considered the female and yang is considered the male. In I Ching, yang is symbolized by a single line: _ and yin by a broken line: - -. The yang line is like a penis and the yin like a vagina. This describes the two basic directions of energy in relationship to *something or an observer. 1: Projecting. 2: Receiving. Everything in the multiverse does both of these things. In fact, one of the most important things that I took from my experience was that it

7: What happened when you ‘awoke’ from your experience?

I immediately began laughing! My girlfriend was looking at me like I had lost it. To her I began crying then was cracking up. She had no idea what I just experienced, and to her only a few moments had passed. I was laughing because I was amazed and satiated. The feeling of love when you’re in-between lives was many times what I experienced as human love. The relief that ‘everything was alright’ was tremendous. Up to that point I had 99.9% faith but that last part was finally satisfied. The next thing I noticed was this painting I was working on, sitting on the floor in our apartment. Right away I could tell my perception was different. I saw the symbolism I was intentionally trying to paint but beyond that I saw what it meant about me to be painting it. I saw the next level. I then focused on some art work that we had hanging up. I understood the reason for every single brush stroke, what it expressed and what it meant about the artist. I understood the creation of the print and it’s d