
Showing posts from September, 2010

62. Where does the will to live come from and can it be taught?

The will to live comes from our connection to the animal kingdom. From there we inherit all of our base traits and the instinct to survive is at our root consciousness. From that instinct we also get our sex drive, that is our ‘will to live’ on a humanity/species level. There are animals that instinctively go to their death at certain times, but only humans can contemplate suicide (because it requires an ego to define the “I” in ‘I don’t want to live.’ etc.) I would say that the ‘will to live’ can be an obstacle to enlightenment but it is the foundation of the enlightened person. My catalyst for my experience of enlightenment was a ‘pushing away’ from existence. Furthermore, it is difficult to detach from everyday reality when you are attached to it through a desire of ‘how things are,’ based on an un-enlightened perspective. After my experience I regained my will to live through a better understanding of what ‘living’ actually is. Yes, the will to live can be taught and learned. I be

61. How do you think the impossible becomes possible?

I believe that the key to making the seemingly impossible, possible, is by defining as few things impossible as is logical. In fact, the act of defining something as 'impossible' actually makes that thing less likely to happen then if one defines it as 'possible'. I have seen and been a part of a few seemingly impossible things. In the two incidences that come to mind, in which I did something incredible, I didn't question their possibility during the moment of execution. I believe in mind over matter, that physical 'limitations' can be overcome by a strong focus of will. I believe that we all have the ability to levitate, for instance. The reason that acts like levitation are difficult to execute is because our minds have 'picked up' so many conflicting thought patterns like, 'the law of gravity' or 'seeing is believing.' We have all seen an item fall to the ground but few of us have seen someone levitate, so it's difficult for u