
Showing posts from December, 2009

32: How do you feel about the law of attraction and how it works?

I feel and think that the “law of attraction” is an accurate depiction on part of the way that the universe works. One thing that I’m not sure of, and this may be important for me to accurately address this question, is if there are many subdivisions of this “law”. That being the case I’ll reiterate the part that agree with☺: You attract what you think about regardless of its value (good or bad). The more you think of something the more likely it is to materialize. Your emotions can be used to amplify (or hamper if conflicting) this process. To me the law of attraction as stated above is a more specific expression of two other things that are not new to philosophy; faith and mind over matter (which are the same in a way). The main difference being that “the law of attraction” states that you will attract something negative by thinking about it. Faith may be something like some one saying something like, “Have faith that we won’t have a flood this year.” “The law of attraction” would

31: What is your inspiration?

My inspiration was based on curiosity, like most children I loved to ask the question, “why?” My parents answered the questions that had definite answers but they encouraged me to research my own answers to philosophical questions. One of my favorite childhood questions to them was, “If happiness is a choice, why don’t people just choose to be happy?” My parents told me that they looked into many popular religions but for one reason or another, didn’t feel that any spoke to them well enough. Again, they never told me not to follow any of the religions that they had tried, instead they told me I should find my own answers. The line between them influencing me and me seeking is pretty fine but I definitely feel that my nature originated before this incarnation (just like everyone else’s). My father was a major in mathematics and architecture and he brought me up with math problems. One of the games we used to play was; he would create a series of numbers and I would have to figure what

30: How can I find out about my previous incarnation?

There are three main ways to find out about your previous incarnations that I am aware of. You could A., take yourself to nirvana/enlightenment and ‘see them’ (I did not do this). You could B., meditate and start remembering every detail of your day, the previous, and all days prior until you regress before this lifetime. Next, you could will your mind to continue regression through your most recent past life, and prior. The most popular way would be C., through hypnosis. There are many practitioners of hypnosis that specialize in past life regression. Usually, past life regression hypnosis is used to help people deal with phobias that are manifestations of events from past lives. For instance, a phobia of water may come from the person drowning in a previous incarnation. By working out the feelings behind the drowning death, the person may be able to overcome the phobia in their present life. I agree with many people, that we should live in the present, not the future or the past, bu

29: Do you think apathy is the best way to be (generally speaking) in order to remain detached and free?

This is a difficult question because feelings too, are like tools. They can be used in different ways, at different times, and by different people. For example, two people are talking and one says that they are ten times faster than the other. The other person gets angry. They could use their anger to attack physically or verbally, they could use it to immediately challenge the former to a race, right then, or the anger may fuel them to train hard for the next year, for a later race. When dealing with people, there are many times when we need to project an apathetic aura. Police are a good example of this. If they catch someone in the midst of a crime they can’t be overly empathetic of the criminal at that time (of course they should respect the suspects human rights). They should just apprehend, a doctor should just cut, and an adult should correct a child all in an outwardly apathetic fashion. If you can use apathy as a tool for a positive end result, then that is good. Now, the th

28: If we are incarnations what is the point of death? Why can't I be immortal?

Well, the multiverse is about change, and so are our lives. Incarnating is the best of both worlds because the ultimate ‘you’ IS immortal and is so flexible for change, that it can assume a diversified selection of lives! The ‘you’ that you should be most concerned with is the ‘you ‘ that you will bring to your next incarnation. There is your immortality. The point of death is to undergo change. It’s a way to reset some of our preconceived notions and thought patterns. We are connected to the animal kingdom and it is natural for us to get into habits and routines, death helps break these up. Also, in between lives, lies a blissful state of love, peace, and connectedness, death helps us ‘recharge’. Death and aging can be reduced to some degree, as a person doesn’t need them for change. That depends on many factors so I’m not saying that if you are completely changing you would live in this life forever, merely that the more change you can accomplish in this life the less need there is

27: Why was I born/am in an unhealthy state?

We are all born into existence in order to change ourselves into a more perfect actor and witness, in this universe. The force of change usually manifests itself in to what we would consider to be ‘difficulty’. Every one of us is born with challenges based on what we need to change (in the way that we need to). I would never presume to know why any specific person is afflicted with any particular struggle but I do know that the person was aware of all their struggles before they chose to incarnate into their current form. This is very valuable knowledge because most of us have looked up and asked, “God, why me!” In reality, you were in control of the choice. There are two different things in life, generally speaking, changeable and unchangeable. The mind is very powerful and many things that we label ‘unchangeable’ are actually changeable. Some things aren’t. We can’t base our lives on those things that aren’t changeable we have to base it on the things that we can change. That’s how w

26: Does mathematics hold any spiritual significance?

Yes, mathematics is the language of the universe. There are tons of books out there dedicated to this. Regardless of ethnic background or even planetary background, beings can communicate with math because it is always the same. It is the purest form of law that we can demonstrate. 2 * 2 = 4, always, everywhere. Let’s break down numbers even further. We like to talk about opposite, yes or no, black or white, male or female, in math these comparisons would be represented by binary numbers. A very interesting source of wisdom I encourage you to check out is I Ching, it combines and compares the opposites, Yin and Yang for divination and insight. I’m not suggesting anyone becomes a fanatical I Ching user but there is definitely insight to be gained from reading up on it. For one thing it dates back to around 200 BC and, whether or not it’s intentional, is a study of binary relationships. Today, binaries are used at the core of all computing. When programmers program in another language,

25: How do you feel about antidepressants?

Like other topics, it’s very important not to be judgmental when discussing antidepressants. Who am I to say whether or not someone should take something external, to help themselves through a difficult time? I am someone that will say that the best way to deal with any problem is to be able to handle it without taking something external. In other words, you try not to consume something external to deal with depression but no one can make the actual call besides the person contemplating ‘help’. The thing to remember when taking a drug in the name of ‘help’ is that you are setting up that drug as a crutch. Just like with a physical crutch, that helps a wound heal, if you don’t put the crutch away – you will never recover! Now, if you did get a crutch from your doctor, they would take it away from you at some point so you can proceed to heal. The problem with antidepressants is that since they make you feel better, the mind sets up thought patterns for you to continue to use them. That

24: What is the best way for someone to identify their purpose in life?

Life will identify your purpose based on who you are and what you need! Before you are born into this incarnation you are aware of the challenges that you will face in this lifetime. Just as I said, you will understand your challenges but the future is something that we shape through thought, and decision. If I could only get across one thing, it would be how important we each are as individuals. One of the difficult things about this question is that it presumes an understanding of overall purpose – which frankly, may not always be apparent. In other words one’s understanding of purpose is limited by one’s understanding of their relationship to the rest of the universe. But, luckily we don’t have to worry about all of that, because the universe will present itself in a way that is conducive of you fulfilling your purpose. “When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky” –Buddha A very amazing part of my experience was the realization of th

23: What's you're focus in life or what do you suggest others to focus on?

When we talk about general focus, both what I focus on and what I suggest others’ focus on, is the same. I believe that the main thing that we all need to focus on is improving ourselves and helping others. That may sound vague, but it is so intentionally. The first step to improving yourself is, knowing what you should improve. This may be difficult for some people to figure out but it really shouldn’t be. God/multiverse will direct you in a way that you will know what you need to work on. Meditate on it and ask what you need to work on, if need be. If you are still coming up blank then ask you friends and family (if you have any friends ☺). I don’t believe in original sin, I feel like it’s a crutch but none of us are perfect, or we wouldn’t have any desire to reincarnate into a human body. Of course the next step after identifying what needs work is to figure out a way to improve. Like they say, “knowing is half the battle” the other half is doing. We can talk and contemplate philoso

22: What’s the benefit of practicing Yoga?

Alas, there are many benefits. There are also many forms of Yoga but I really only have experience with Hatha Yoga, which is the practice of breathing, postures/asanas , and meditation. The same way that blood flows through your veins, so does kundalini energy or chi through your energy body. The words kundalini and chi mean the same thing and there are many other words that could be used but I’m going to just use kundalini for now, since that’s how the energy is named in Yoga. So this kundalini energy flows between the different parts of us but is mainly focused in a vertical line at our horizontal center, from our bottom, up the spine, to the top-middle of our head. The different asanas (postures) are meant to remove blockage along these energy pathways so that the energy flow is unobstructed. The connection between our physical bodies, soul, and spirit, converge at 7 points between our bottom and top. These seven points are called Chakras, which translates as "wheel" or &

21: What do you think abut television?

My first answer to most questions like this is, “it’s a tool”. Tools inherit the intentions of the user, for the most part. The television is different from many tools though, because it communicates heavily with the viewers’ conscious and subconscious mind. Therefore, it doesn’t always follow the intent of its user. Take for example, cartoons. A parents’ intent may be to entertain their child by setting them in front of the television to watch, but in actuality the cartoon may be harming their child with negative images. The most positive side to television is of course education. If you have cable in the United States, there is pretty much always something on that you could learn from. The negative side to that is that your brain doesn’t automatically know what it should learn and what it should ignore. If you happen to be watching a documentary for instance, you could probably just let your mind absorb everything. If your watching a drama, these days there is probably very little t

20: How do you describe your soul and the relationship you have with it?

Please look at the below diagram (also in question #11, I describe the diagram in a more comprehensive manor): The soul is many things as it relates to the rest of the states of energy. I should mention that none of the state are isolated and that they are all connected. A ‘being’ for example has energy from ‘planet’ to ‘star’. We have an animal side, a ‘pure energy’ side, and all in between. The soul is placed equal distant from being as spirit is. This shows the need for balance. A key point that I am attempting to make with my audience is that many religions focus on spirit and assume that upward ascension is equal to evolution. In fact upward ascension would be moving away from what we are. To not want to be what we are, must obviously also have a negative effect on our self-image. The soul is at the bottom point of the sign for Venus (that circle in the middle extending downward into a cross), it therefore is considered ‘female’ in terms of energy. As the animal kingdom, which is

19: What do you think about tarot cards?

I’m not sure how many stories there are about the origin of the tarot but, the one that I read said that they were originally invented for ‘wise men’ from various countries to communicate. Frankly, I find the cards’ use of symbolism to be genius. There are of course variations but I haven’t spent much time investigating different types of tarot decks because my father reads cards using Rider-Waite-Smith, so I used those for my research. The book ’the Tarot’ by Paul Foster Case is nothing short of brilliant. It doesn’t really talk much about divination but it goes into detailed explanations on interpreting the meanings of the cards. There are countless truths that can be discovered just by studying them. Tarot cards are a tool, and like any other tool, they can be used in either a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ way. They work because the essence of who we are is in all things that we do. The symbols on the cards contain a deep archetypical language that resonates with our higher consciousness. The res

18: Why did you choose Bruce Leroy as a pen name?

Alas, there are many reasons for choosing Bruce Leroy as my pen name. I want to remain anonymous. Like most people, I need to interact with others all of the time. I need an income in order to sustain myself and be independent. This work does not provide me with a means to that end, at this time. I’ve told parts of my story to friends in the past and basically they managed to take something positive and make it negative. My attempts at smoothing over those relationships only succeeded in leaving them feeling as though I was patronizing them or that I thought that I was better then they were. But how could I believe in my importance over another person and expect another to believe in me? It’s not even logical to me. In terms of human nature it is understandable, people tend to resent what they don’t understand. I guess that they would probably think that they were better if they had a similar experience and were projecting that to me. It is true that I’m a very confident person when it

17: How come bad stuff happens to good people?

First of all, the terms ‘bad’ and ‘good’ are subjective, and can mean different things to different people. During my experience I was able to catch a glimpse at the workings of karma, on a world-wide scale. One of the important points is the factor of time. If one views a current situation and only analyzes the present, they will never be able to understand the value of the situation. It’s easy to see something, and label it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but just judging the moment is an inaccurate way to asses it. What if a homeless person finds a lottery ticket that is worth $10,000. One may say that that person is lucky if they just look at that moment. In reality, the person cashes in the ticket but is followed and later injured while being robbed of the prize money. Now the situation that seemed ‘good’ is now ‘bad’. However, the same person wins $100,000 in the lottery, six years later. When the person realizes they have a winning ticket, they play it real cautious and have no problems wit

16: How can we make use of the knowledge of reincarnation?

There are a few different ways that we can take advantage of the knowledge of the existence of reincarnation. One of the biggest things that this knowledge provides is the understanding that it’s not all ‘over’ when our physical bodies pass away. If you believe that we go to heaven or hell, and that it is a totally separate place from where we are now than maybe changing that belief to reincarnation is not a ‘good’ thing? Based on my experience I would say that there was/is a state that could be considered heaven. In between lives, we are a part of everything but still retain ourselves. The feeling of this state is a love and joy that is so intense it must be called bliss. We are in this state ‘forever’ ‘before’ we reincarnate back into a planetary system. It’s ‘forever’ because time does not exist in this state, therefore there is no change or opportunity to evolve. This is actually the first time that I have thought about it but I guess that state could be named ‘heaven’. Is there a