30: How can I find out about my previous incarnation?

There are three main ways to find out about your previous incarnations that I am aware of. You could A., take yourself to nirvana/enlightenment and ‘see them’ (I did not do this). You could B., meditate and start remembering every detail of your day, the previous, and all days prior until you regress before this lifetime. Next, you could will your mind to continue regression through your most recent past life, and prior. The most popular way would be C., through hypnosis. There are many practitioners of hypnosis that specialize in past life regression.

Usually, past life regression hypnosis is used to help people deal with phobias that are manifestations of events from past lives. For instance, a phobia of water may come from the person drowning in a previous incarnation. By working out the feelings behind the drowning death, the person may be able to overcome the phobia in their present life.

I agree with many people, that we should live in the present, not the future or the past, but that doesn’t mean to me, that we should disregard them. If we don’t learn everything we need to during an event (the present), it’s great to have the ability to look back and still learn from the past. It becomes a question of focus. There seems to be enough going on in our current lifetimes that we don’t need to look back to a prior life but I can’t make that call for anyone but myself.

If you are curious and are able to find out about your past lives, and you don’t obsess, AND something positive comes out of it… I would support it. People that are involved in actions, which destroy the environment, need to understand that they are going to have to live in the world they create and that they may not have money to ‘escape’ in their next lifetime.

Personally, my focus is more on this life and future lives. I believe that the universe unfolds itself in a way that you have what you need right here. (Maybe in the future I will feel a need for past life regression – I don’t know) Using the prior example, if you have a phobia of water, you know you have issues with water that should be dealt with through meditation – regardless of what happen in a prior life. The more you’re able to learn per lifetime, the better off we all are, because eventually you will understand our connectedness and be compelled to help others.


  1. nice blog..please tell the readers about the concept of non-duality..advaita which leads to moksha , nirvana

  2. Hello, I just saw this. Thanks for the interest and great question!! I'll post a response shortly :-)

  3. Hello, I posted a response. Thanks again for the great question!!

  4. Hello! This is a very interesting and important topic:-) Lifetimes are like the classroom for Soul! I found many useful excercises at Eckankar, most of them very simple like chanting the HU-Sound and simply going into comtemplation.
    My experience is that most of the time I don't need to know all of a past life's experience but just the "principles" which are echoed in this lifetimes situations.

    The most amazing insight I recently had when I was "busy" with the question "what experiences in another lifetime had brought xy situation into my actual life":
    with my human consciousness (which forgot it all:-)) I was always asking "did I do good or did I do bad to cause this or that experience in the now?".
    I found that at the core it doesn't matter: "good or bad" Karma is just to sides of a medall. It might be usefull sometimes to know what one did "bad" f.ex. if one goes through a crisis or feels like a victim in the now, it's helpful to realize that one too did the same to others before.

    But at the core, for Soul, it doesn't matter;-) as we all come again and again into the world of polarity and always switching from "good to bad" (humanly spoken) and swing back again.

    We create karma all along the way and I guess the only way to heal whatever past life karma we bring with us to a lifetime here, is to LOVE instead of "giving it back to them".

    This stops the karmic bouncing back and we can hug those people and situations in our actual lifetime once for good and then let it all go in peace instead of having to meet again to "pay back" stuff that wouldn't have happend if we were able to love.

    That's why I am here: to learn to love:-))

    So, thanks for bringing this issue up. To me it's a wonderful learning field and I appreciate very much to have found some spiritual tools that I can use all by myself without a regression therapist. I like to learn with my spiritual guide on the inner planes.

    Have a blissful day!


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