25: How do you feel about antidepressants?

Like other topics, it’s very important not to be judgmental when discussing antidepressants. Who am I to say whether or not someone should take something external, to help themselves through a difficult time? I am someone that will say that the best way to deal with any problem is to be able to handle it without taking something external. In other words, you try not to consume something external to deal with depression but no one can make the actual call besides the person contemplating ‘help’.

The thing to remember when taking a drug in the name of ‘help’ is that you are setting up that drug as a crutch. Just like with a physical crutch, that helps a wound heal, if you don’t put the crutch away – you will never recover! Now, if you did get a crutch from your doctor, they would take it away from you at some point so you can proceed to heal. The problem with antidepressants is that since they make you feel better, the mind sets up thought patterns for you to continue to use them. That’s because we are wired in a way that things we are supposed to do, feel good. Like enjoying food to sustain our life, enjoying sex to sustain humankind, or the good feeling after achieving a goal, to advance us. These important things become compromised when another source of pleasure is introduced externally.

When you add the fact that most antidepressants are available in the streets, it becomes a serious issue of control. Now you don’t have a doctor to take away your crutch, you have to decide to take it away yourself. The more accustomed to it, the harder it will be and you will have to consciously reprogram yourself to not associate happiness or content with the antidepressant you are putting away.

I feel like the plants that are here on our Earth are our tools for us, and I find it ridiculous that other people are able to tell us what to do with them, at the penalty of imprisonment. These governing systems need to focus on providing a life for its’ citizens that doesn’t consist of a 40-70h work-week and provide therapy for addicts! You can’t sweep problems under the rug all of the time, eventually they will overflow. That goes for the problems we avoid by drug use on a personal AND on a societal level.

In other words, the best way to not abuse antidepressants is to not need them. Addiction is a depressing thing in itself. If you are addicted to anything, don’t procrastinate get help. If you know someone with a problem help them, it’s your duty as spiritually aware being. Have compassion. Avoid depression by activities like meditation, yoga, dancing, listening to ‘happy’ music, working out, or sports to name a few. Avoid depression by taking care of the things that you have been putting off. Finally, the cliché, “ at least I’m not…” then fill in things you have to be thankful for. If you are reading this, or even hearing it, you’ve got it better than half of the world population- right off the bat!

Don’t forget that addiction can span multiple life times. You may be susceptible to it, from a past life… But I know you can beat it this time around! ;-)


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