26: Does mathematics hold any spiritual significance?

Yes, mathematics is the language of the universe. There are tons of books out there dedicated to this. Regardless of ethnic background or even planetary background, beings can communicate with math because it is always the same. It is the purest form of law that we can demonstrate. 2 * 2 = 4, always, everywhere.

Let’s break down numbers even further. We like to talk about opposite, yes or no, black or white, male or female, in math these comparisons would be represented by binary numbers. A very interesting source of wisdom I encourage you to check out is I Ching, it combines and compares the opposites, Yin and Yang for divination and insight. I’m not suggesting anyone becomes a fanatical I Ching user but there is definitely insight to be gained from reading up on it. For one thing it dates back to around 200 BC and, whether or not it’s intentional, is a study of binary relationships. Today, binaries are used at the core of all computing. When programmers program in another language, usually a large portion of their code ends up compiling in binary format. What all that means is that everything that you see on your computer screen could be described using binary numbers, or 0’s and 1’s. Since this is a forum for sharing insight, notice the below diagram:

This is an application of the I Ching across the signs of the zodiac. I haven’t seen this diagram anywhere but if you compare the interpretation of the I Ching symbols (called hexagrams because they are of 6 lines) to the interpretation of the matching zodiac signs, you will see a definite correlation!

If you want to study the spirituality of numbers, you should definitely look into the Fibonacci sequence. It was made popular in the book and movie, the Da Vinci Code. It begins with zero then you add 1. Next, you add 0 + 1 and get 1 so it becomes 0,1,1. Next add 1+1 (the last two numbers on the right) you get 0,1,1,2. Then, 1+2 (the last two numbers on the right) you get 0,1,1,2,3. Continuing you get 0,0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, etc. This pattern is the key to natural growth in all life forms.

Now let me digress…When I had my enlightening experience, I had traveled through this city. At the end of it, the last thing that entered my mind (related to the city) was the equation 1 + 1 = 2. This represented a foundation. 1 + 1 is the same as 2 * 1 so the equation can also represent 2 * 1 = 2. This is the same as 1 = 2/2. To me this is like saying that even if you divide us, we are all one. Also, it describes synergy, when you take 1 and divide it by 2 you get ½ + ½, those halves, there are 2 of them. So by dividing we increase the amount of total units.


  1. Mathematics are connected to EVERYTHING.
    Everything in life: every situation and circumstance is a mathmatical algorithm.
    The furthest I've gotten through this blog is when you said: "Yes, mathematics is the language of the universe."
    I totally believe that is true.
    This blog is deep and I cannot wait to put my brain aside and clear it from all other things in my day and read it!

    -Angela Sherice.


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