31: What is your inspiration?

My inspiration was based on curiosity, like most children I loved to ask the question, “why?” My parents answered the questions that had definite answers but they encouraged me to research my own answers to philosophical questions. One of my favorite childhood questions to them was, “If happiness is a choice, why don’t people just choose to be happy?” My parents told me that they looked into many popular religions but for one reason or another, didn’t feel that any spoke to them well enough. Again, they never told me not to follow any of the religions that they had tried, instead they told me I should find my own answers. The line between them influencing me and me seeking is pretty fine but I definitely feel that my nature originated before this incarnation (just like everyone else’s).

My father was a major in mathematics and architecture and he brought me up with math problems. One of the games we used to play was; he would create a series of numbers and I would have to figure what the next number was. In first grade, I was doing basic algebra and fractions. In addition, as I’ve mentioned before, my father reads tarot cards, palms, and practices astrology. He never tried to influence me about my beliefs towards those things either.

The half of my life before my enlightening experience was all about seeking. This half of my life is about using what I have found in a productive way. My inspiration now is truth, potential and change. In terms of influence by people, everyone I come in contact with.


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