16: How can we make use of the knowledge of reincarnation?

There are a few different ways that we can take advantage of the knowledge of the existence of reincarnation.

One of the biggest things that this knowledge provides is the understanding that it’s not all ‘over’ when our physical bodies pass away. If you believe that we go to heaven or hell, and that it is a totally separate place from where we are now than maybe changing that belief to reincarnation is not a ‘good’ thing? Based on my experience I would say that there was/is a state that could be considered heaven. In between lives, we are a part of everything but still retain ourselves. The feeling of this state is a love and joy that is so intense it must be called bliss. We are in this state ‘forever’ ‘before’ we reincarnate back into a planetary system. It’s ‘forever’ because time does not exist in this state, therefore there is no change or opportunity to evolve. This is actually the first time that I have thought about it but I guess that state could be named ‘heaven’. Is there a negative state that could be named ‘hell’? There was nothing to lead me to believe that there was/is. I felt that the experience of the in-between state was based on the person experiencing it. If that person is caught up in negative feelings than it would stand to reason that their experience in between lives, leaves something to be desired. In fact, all of us have a reason to fine-tune ourselves to experience a greater connectedness. That is the reason that we choose to incarnate over and over again. At any point one can choose to remain in the in-between state, but we don’t. As much as you feel that you suffer in this life, you were aware of that suffering before you chose this life. Knowing this, you should be able to take life’s lessons as just that, lessons. That’s mush more positive than thinking that god/the multiverse has something against you personally! Once you become open to these lessons you will be able to convert their seemingly negative existence into something positive. You will understand that there is a positive outcome to everything when you go with the flow and allow yourself to learn from these lessons.

Let’s face it, without the understanding that reincarnation exists, it would be pretty difficult to label the world as ‘fair’. How could one person be born blind, and an orphan, and another be born into royalty? Without acknowledging the existence of reincarnation, one’s reality would be pretty grim or at least illogical. As I’ve mentioned in prior posts, you have to look no further than a child to witness the existence of reincarnation. They are definitely not blank building blocks or perfect replicas of our selves! They have pre-disposed personalities.

Another important thing that the knowledge of the existence of reincarnation provides, is the understanding that our work of knowing and perfecting self, won’t necessarily be accomplish in this lifetime. Also, that some of the habits that we need to overcome were not originated in this lifetime. Understanding these two things should help you put your life in a more realistic perspective. It is very important to not pick up any new addiction in this life and to try your best to end any that you currently have. Addiction, like bad habits, accompany you to your next life. Stop them now.

The last thing I’ll mention for now is that we are who we will be, in our next life. That is, we are who we are without any memories of why. What we take with us, is our thought patterns, that which combined is our personality. This should help you understand what you need to work on.


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