27: Why was I born/am in an unhealthy state?

We are all born into existence in order to change ourselves into a more perfect actor and witness, in this universe. The force of change usually manifests itself in to what we would consider to be ‘difficulty’. Every one of us is born with challenges based on what we need to change (in the way that we need to). I would never presume to know why any specific person is afflicted with any particular struggle but I do know that the person was aware of all their struggles before they chose to incarnate into their current form. This is very valuable knowledge because most of us have looked up and asked, “God, why me!” In reality, you were in control of the choice.

There are two different things in life, generally speaking, changeable and unchangeable. The mind is very powerful and many things that we label ‘unchangeable’ are actually changeable. Some things aren’t. We can’t base our lives on those things that aren’t changeable we have to base it on the things that we can change. That’s how we can maximize our time here on Earth.

Another thing to remember about the challenges in our life is that many of them come based on karma from past lives. You can’t just look at someone’s one life and have perfect understanding of karma, because it would be incomplete data. The thing about karma that people usually don’t consider is that it’s not always that you did something ‘bad’ and are being punished… but many times it’s just a nudge in an evolutionary process. Sometimes life seems long and sometimes it seems short. In reality, living 100 years in a 12 billion year old universe is a doable sacrifice!

One way that we can give ourselves positive karma as it relates to health is to appreciate what we do have. I used to always say, “God, don’t let me loose my sight to appreciate beauty” See beauty, breath the air in deeply, make the most of what you have. Do your best everyday!


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