32: How do you feel about the law of attraction and how it works?

I feel and think that the “law of attraction” is an accurate depiction on part of the way that the universe works. One thing that I’m not sure of, and this may be important for me to accurately address this question, is if there are many subdivisions of this “law”. That being the case I’ll reiterate the part that agree with☺:

You attract what you think about regardless of its value (good or bad). The more you think of something the more likely it is to materialize. Your emotions can be used to amplify (or hamper if conflicting) this process.

To me the law of attraction as stated above is a more specific expression of two other things that are not new to philosophy; faith and mind over matter (which are the same in a way). The main difference being that “the law of attraction” states that you will attract something negative by thinking about it. Faith may be something like some one saying something like, “Have faith that we won’t have a flood this year.” “The law of attraction” would state that the person is actually attracting a flood. Unless, that person’s thought behind not having a flood, is actually a visualization of a calm season.

Instead of defining things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ I’ve been allowing them to be considered tools. A tool is something that’s value is an expression of its user. It has no independent value in and of itself. “The law of attraction” also falls in this category to me. The positive implications are pretty apparent, attracting what you really want into your life. I would warn that a life focused on one’s own personal abundance does not speak to humankind’s higher potentials. The opposite of that is group focused positive thinking has an enormous positive effect on our universe. The author also talked about karma having no value and that it was just an after effect of the “law of attraction”. However, let’s take the practice of voodoo for example. A person that is attracting something negative to someone else, while attracting positive things to themselves, will definitely feel the effects of ‘negative’ karma. In the particular article I read (http://www.law-of-attraction-info.com/law-of-attraction.html) the author had me in agreement up until right before the end. It said, “Scientific objectivity is a myth. Experiments which purport to prove hypotheses actually work by Law of Attraction.” This is very interesting and is correct in a way but overall it’s flawed because to call something ‘a law’ means that it has to pass “scientific theory”, which requires an objective observer… So, something outside of “scientific theory” has no basis for it’s proof (without the definition of a standard – which in this case is supposed to be disregarded). Or here is a more tangible example that I believe isn’t taken in consideration… What if you send out a robot to planets of unknown atmospheres to test for the presence of oxygen. There either, will be, or won’t be, regardless of what the scientist’s hypotheses are.

Scientific laws are based on facts. An object will fall based on gravity. Now, I’ll share an interesting experience that I had many years ago. I was walking with a group of four friends, other than myself, along the side of this wooden fence like structure that held the earth to one side, up, about shoulder height. As we were walking, I decided to jump to ‘be’ on the top of the structure. I didn’t second guess if it were possible, I just did it. We were all amazed, I had leaped vertically about 5’8” in the air, without any struggle. If we had the right measuring devises we could calculate both the physics and the faith aspect of it. In other words, it’s not the only “the law of attraction” that has an effect.

The practice of “the law of attraction” seems to be primarily meditative. It’s exciting to know that people are practicing meditation and hopefully for positive reasons. It’s definitely not a ‘simple’ solution but it at least sets up some accurate definitions. Since the beginning of time humans have been attempting miracles with their minds. Many of us have created them. Have faith and attract what’s positive for us all!


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