17: How come bad stuff happens to good people?

First of all, the terms ‘bad’ and ‘good’ are subjective, and can mean different things to different people. During my experience I was able to catch a glimpse at the workings of karma, on a world-wide scale. One of the important points is the factor of time. If one views a current situation and only analyzes the present, they will never be able to understand the value of the situation. It’s easy to see something, and label it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but just judging the moment is an inaccurate way to asses it. What if a homeless person finds a lottery ticket that is worth $10,000. One may say that that person is lucky if they just look at that moment. In reality, the person cashes in the ticket but is followed and later injured while being robbed of the prize money. Now the situation that seemed ‘good’ is now ‘bad’. However, the same person wins $100,000 in the lottery, six years later. When the person realizes they have a winning ticket, they play it real cautious and have no problems with the money. Had they not been robbed prior for the 10k maybe they would have ended up being careless and loosing the 100k?

You can see from the above example, no matter how far fetched it was ☺, that it is impossible to be able to place a value on a situation based on logic. There are too many unknowns, without having the ability to see all aspects of that situation, including the past and the future.

The specifics of a situation don’t have as much meaning as what a situation represents. When I saw that everything was operating perfectly according to karma, that was enough because that law can be used to help figured out the proper way to act in a given situation. In the end, again it is our choice, how we will act when something happens. So, instead of being caught up in whether a situation is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, let’s just do our best.

In conclusion, whenever you think that something is unfair, like something ‘bad’ happening to someone ‘good’, remind yourself that you don’t have enough information to make that judgment and that karma rewards good with good (even if you don’t know it’s ‘good’ at the moment).


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