12: Do you have a problem with organized religion?

That’s a tricky question because the answer is both yes and no. First, I’ll talk about what I don’t have a problem with. One of the things that I specifically was able to take in during my experience was the balance in the universe and specifically here on Earth, since that’s where I was focused. When I was a child I used to want to be able to ‘save’ the world. My experience showed me that it didn’t need saved because it was where it was supposed to be. I used to except that as an end answer but now I still want to try my best to influence the world in a harmonious direction. I don’t have a problem with any religion because there is a reason that any particular person has a particular belief. It would be against everything I believe to judge another person! If there weren’t a reason for religion then no one would participate in it. That means there is a reason for religion to exist. One could write an entire volume on what religion has contributed to humankind. Of course one could also write a volume on the destruction and death contributed in the name of religion, as well. Remember, if you want someone to respect your beliefs you have to respect theirs. In fact, the degree in which you expect your beliefs to be respected, can be no more than the degree you respect others’ beliefs. Furthermore, I believe in reincarnation and evolution through multiple lives. In past lives we have made the same mistakes as those that many of us look down upon. It’s not about measuring a level of evolution and placing a value based upon it, thinking your better because your more evolved than this person or that person (that attitude is not very evolved by the way ;-). It’s about understanding our connectivity to each other and respecting it. Unfortunately, the reality of humankind so far, is that "might makes right”. Those willing to fight for material reasons, no matter on what level, are usually the ones running things. It is up to the ones that see the truth with their heart, to have the mercy to help evolve ‘them’ beyond their current state. That helps evolve us!

That leads nicely into why I also say ‘yes’ I have a problem with religion. Again, most religion is male energy based and denies the female energy that is within us all. Denies our senses that we were inherited. Denies our ability to evolve by trying to make members dependent. In the case of Buddhism, denies are place by thinking that evolution is only a state of mind and not feeling as well. However, if you read about monks that have experienced Nirvana, it was achieved, many times through an emotional jarring. Religion thinks beings are supposed to evolve around the circle diagram (fig 2) I drew, through ascension, moving counter clockwise from ‘being’ toward ‘star’. This is like going ‘up’ to heaven. My point is that yes, that is a part of us, and most of us do need to develop that part more than the part that is related to female/planet, but it’s only an equal part, to that female/planet side of us. It’s not mutually exclusive, it’s just part of our right as beings.


  1. Hi Bruce,

    Thanks for writing this blog!
    I am wondering why you believe in reincarnation? What is your information source for this belief? I follow the bible as the source of truth for my beliefs. It is stated that we live only once, thus eliminating the possibility for reincarnation to be true.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  2. Seems you missed the blog above, Barb.

    I (unlike the blogger) reserve the right to be judgemental, and you Barb are just another dopey Christian. It's not in your nature to be able to understand the answer to your question - which, again, is in the article you've commented on.

    Bruce__Leroy is not less right than you are. The bible is fiction.

  3. Whatever. I asked a question of Bruce, not of you, "webdevtool". This is not your blog!

  4. Barb,
    Thank you for taking the time to interact with me. The bible has passed through many hands and your religion states that only Jesus is without sin. That statement 'un-validates' anything the bible says as far as word for word translation (since it passed through the hands of man). However, to the bible's credit, it has managed to communicate many truthful ideas though symbolism - which is not about the translation of specific words.

    The bible was written long ago and was meant to help more than to be a source of fact.Example: we tell our kids there is a santa so that they are nice and not naughty. No santa does not exist but at least the idea gets children moving in the right direction. Think of the bible like that. Use your heart to discern fact from fiction. Remember, when the bible 'came out', few people could even read.

    We are all gods children but knowing the truth about everything has little value to us when we are struggling with what we do understand.

    If you don't 'feel' that reincarnation is right, then don't believe in it. I can't convince you other than to say that. Don't let the bible or church come between you and god. You and God are connected not separate - ask God the answer.

    I was blessed with an experience that showed me myself, before this lifetime... choosing this life. Reincarnation is needed for us to fully develop. Our work is far more than one short life. God has made a fair universe, when one person is born suffering and one prosperous, there is a reason. In summary, follow the God inside your heart as truth - and other peoples opinions as stimulus to seek greater truths.

    Reincarnation is important but the idea of having one life IS how this one should be lived. One shouldn't say, "oh, I'll stop stealing from others in my next life". Don't procrastinate, any good deeds.

    Lastly, I can prove it like this: Look at a young child... Can't you tell that they have pre-disposed behavior that wasn't taught to them by anyone? Example: when I was in kindergarten I dropped a pencil to look up my teachers skirt (got in trouble for it too). I didn't even know what I was looking for! Powerful phobia and obsessions are obviously pre-disposed don't you think?

  5. webdevtool,
    Thanks for the comment.

    My acceptance or reason for not being judgmental, is so that I can change/evolve state without being self-judgmental for my belief in the older/less-evolved state. The harder we are on 'correction', the harder the idea of 'correction' will be, no matter where it is applied, oop ;-)
    Thanks for reading!


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