20: How do you describe your soul and the relationship you have with it?

Please look at the below diagram (also in question #11, I describe the diagram in a more comprehensive manor):

The soul is many things as it relates to the rest of the states of energy. I should mention that none of the state are isolated and that they are all connected. A ‘being’ for example has energy from ‘planet’ to ‘star’. We have an animal side, a ‘pure energy’ side, and all in between. The soul is placed equal distant from being as spirit is. This shows the need for balance. A key point that I am attempting to make with my audience is that many religions focus on spirit and assume that upward ascension is equal to evolution. In fact upward ascension would be moving away from what we are. To not want to be what we are, must obviously also have a negative effect on our self-image. The soul is at the bottom point of the sign for Venus (that circle in the middle extending downward into a cross), it therefore is considered ‘female’ in terms of energy. As the animal kingdom, which is directly to the left of the soul, in the diagram, develops ego, those animals begin to be beings. The diagonal line that intersects at animal represents the point where energy breaks from the group, that’s why it divides the entire diagram into ‘group’ and ‘individual’. You need to have an ego to be an individual. Moving right from soul you’ll notice ‘feeling’. Again, animals of course have feelings- they are not isolated either. They become ‘beings’ when they are able to relate their feelings to ‘themselves’, thusly developing an ego.

The soul balances out the spirit. In order to develop ones’ self, the soul and the spirit should be thought of as equal. Part of the reason that ‘man’ is so bent on believing that we are suppose to evolve out of being is that we physically developed from animals. I’m understanding and forgiving of peoples’ belief in that. The reality is, we as a society, needed/need people to be far on the right side of the diagram in order to balance out the people that are far on the left side ;-) This is just another reason that we can’t judge others. We don’t actually know their place or purpose. Without having these strong forces on the right side, we would be much more animalistic in our behavior. We need to be in the middle, balancing feeling with thought.

For the second part of the question inquiring my relationship with it, I would say that it’s pretty good but can always improve. Meditation is a great way to develop the soul, so is dancing or enjoying music. Listening to your inner-voice is a great exercise too. The more you listen to your inner-voice, the clearer it speaks.


  1. This soooo answered my question, when you mentioned: "A key point that I am attempting to make with my audience is that many religions focus on spirit and assume that upward ascension is equal to evolution."
    ...because as I was studying your diagram and I saw "soul" at the bottom and "star" atop it rather than "spirit" (in place of where you have "star") I was going to ask you how you arrived at that because by (routine/traditional) train of spiritual thought; we are taught that "spirit" and "soul" are either interconnected or one in the same.
    That happened to be the first area my eyes focused on, I cannot wait to study the rest and then finish reading your explanation...
    Great abstract thinking :)

  2. *completed*
    *turned head from left to right*
    *scrolled up*
    *read more*
    *scrolled down*
    *read more*
    CONCLUSION: Sound. Rational. Brilliant!

  3. Thank you very much! Yes the connection between spirit and soul is that they are balanced equal distant (from us, "being") and serve as place holders for where we should be... balanced in-between. :-) They are one in the same in the sense that nothing in the circle is isolated or separate.


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