24: What is the best way for someone to identify their purpose in life?

Life will identify your purpose based on who you are and what you need! Before you are born into this incarnation you are aware of the challenges that you will face in this lifetime. Just as I said, you will understand your challenges but the future is something that we shape through thought, and decision. If I could only get across one thing, it would be how important we each are as individuals. One of the difficult things about this question is that it presumes an understanding of overall purpose – which frankly, may not always be apparent. In other words one’s understanding of purpose is limited by one’s understanding of their relationship to the rest of the universe. But, luckily we don’t have to worry about all of that, because the universe will present itself in a way that is conducive of you fulfilling your purpose.

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky” –Buddha

A very amazing part of my experience was the realization of the perfection of the multiverse, and how it was conducive of EVERYONE fulfilling their purpose, simultaneously. Bear in mind that our purpose is a dynamic thing… We may serve one purpose for a time then later need to change our purpose.

Maybe the nature of your question was meant to be more practical like occupational? I would say that in becoming more in touch with who we are, helps us understand what could make us happy or content, work wise. Trying to generate an income that can at least make you independent, while enabling you to enjoy yourself, is a good goal. Many people will live and die without having such an opportunity though.

Who knows when your purpose will change? Try to quiet your mind through meditation, and ask yourself what your purpose should be. The answer will be something that you should focus on. Next, act on that answer. I can’t emphasize the importance of meditation enough for the answers to these types of questions. Basically, when you are actively thinking you are not open to receiving information (from the higher self through the soul) so you are working only with half of the potential information available to you.

Sometimes we get too caught up in thinking we need to define an overall purpose. At those times we should ask ourselves, “What ‘s the purpose of today and how can we make the best of it?” Doing this everyday without procrastination, will lead anyone to successful fulfillment of purpose.


  1. Thank you :-). I've been thinking more along these lines just wanted to see what you think. I'm still practicing and getting the hang of meditation. Any tips to help with meditation?


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