22: What’s the benefit of practicing Yoga?

Alas, there are many benefits. There are also many forms of Yoga but I really only have experience with Hatha Yoga, which is the practice of breathing, postures/asanas , and meditation. The same way that blood flows through your veins, so does kundalini energy or chi through your energy body. The words kundalini and chi mean the same thing and there are many other words that could be used but I’m going to just use kundalini for now, since that’s how the energy is named in Yoga. So this kundalini energy flows between the different parts of us but is mainly focused in a vertical line at our horizontal center, from our bottom, up the spine, to the top-middle of our head. The different asanas (postures) are meant to remove blockage along these energy pathways so that the energy flow is unobstructed. The connection between our physical bodies, soul, and spirit, converge at 7 points between our bottom and top. These seven points are called Chakras, which translates as "wheel" or "turning" in Sanskrit. A tremendous amount of energy can go in and out of our Chakras so Yoga is an important practice to ensuring this flow in natural. A blockage in energy, creates a physical blockage as well, by practicing Hatha Yoga you reduce this physical blockage by being flexible. Flexibility makes your body a more perfect vehicle for your Kundalini energy.

The interesting thing is that the blockage is usually due to a disharmonic ‘thing’ in your life and when you remove it through Yoga you simultaneously remove the root of the problem. For example, let’s say you have energy blockage in your neck. The neck is ruled by the Chakra Vishnu, which represents communication. There are probably many things on your mind that you need to communicate to others. After practicing Yoga to release the blockage in the neck, you’ll find yourself communicating more.

A very important fact about us humans is that we purposely and subconsciously limit our own potential. The better your energy flow the faster the reaction of karma becomes. This may or may not be a good thing (to you), depending on your capability to deal with life’s challenges. For example, when you begin practicing Yoga you may consider your life to be pretty easy. After a short time of practicing, it may seem that your life is in disarray! This is because when your life was ‘easy’ you weren’t dealing with the ‘next big challenge’ or necessary stimulus to positive change. Speeding up your karma tends to bring the challenges on. You have to go at your own pace, BUT all lessons will be addressed so you should do your best.

Yoga, through breathing, uses air pressure to message internal organs thereby removing toxins from them. Vegetarianism usually goes hand in hand with the practice of Yoga for this reason. Animal flesh is considered bad for the body, like a poison, not to mention many yogis won’t eat roots or certain spices that cloud the mind. I was brought up a vegetarian, I believe it is the best way for a human to reach its’ potential but since I never made a choice… I can’t judge anyone that eats meat. What do I know about stopping? All I would suggest is that you listen to your inner self - ask yourself if you should eat meat. If you feel you shouldn’t then you should follow it by action ;-)


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