2: Is there a ‘heaven’, why are we here (general)??

The multiverse, by my definition, is all inclusive of everything in existence. Everything that exists does so in all dimensions. That means that nothing can exist in less then all of the dimensions. Every speck of dust, all things that we are aware of, exists in all dimensions. Since most of our senses exist in the third dimensions, touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing, it stands to reason that most of our focus should also be based on this third dimension. This doesn’t mean that we don’t exist beyond this state, it’s just an acknowledgement that our vehicle, our bodies are created for a physical existence. Furthermore, even though time is infinite our normal waking consciousness is only aware of the present. The fact that we are here is because we are supposed to be here. This sounds simple and obvious yet most religious philosophies focus on “the after life” or other levels of consciousness. Sure there is an after life and sure there are other levels of consciousness but if those “things” were supposed to be humankinds focus, then wouldn’t we be given bodies and minds to correlate? The truth is this, when we are not conscious of this dimension or our existence here on earth, i.e. when we are not living in a human body THEN we are living in “the afterlife”. When we are in between human lives, how much time can pass, when we are beyond time? A million years is the same as a second without time to distinguish them. We have eternity to exist in “heaven” and we exist there, together now. As far as ‘hell’ goes, there is none. Hell implies a state of entrapment that isn’t escapable. Instead, we may choose to live counter to the flow of the multiverse, but karma will force harsher lessons until ‘that’ energy is finally recycled. You could say that that’s a ‘hell on earth’ type of thing being that the person will suffer while on the wrong track. That’s the thing though, it’s not a trap it’s a choice that may be reversed at anytime.

People that talk about, ‘living in the present’ are on the right track. The general purpose of our existence here is to change our energy. Change is only possible through a change in time. We incarnate here because outside of the 4th dimension, time doesn’t exist and we can’t change our energy (vibration) there.


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