36: What is the flower of life?

The flower of life looks like the diagram below (courtesy of Wikipedia):

It is a powerful symbol considered by many to contain all of the answers to the universe. The earliest records of it date back to 645 BC but I suspect that it’s origin dates back much further. Examples of it have been found all over the world, across many different cultures. One of the many things that I find interesting about it is that it can be constructed with one stick, in the sand. You can hold one end of the stick and turn it to create a circle. By placing equal sized circles concentric to it (touching its border), exactly six will fit giving us a total of 7 circles. Once that diagram is made, all angles can be interpolated. One could measure any angle only beginning with a stick and some sand! Notice that the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter. Then to complete it, we circumscribe the circles inside of a larger circle.

Before my experience, I had this diagram in different stages, taped up all over my room. Unlocking the mysteries behind the flower of life, is an on-and-off on going pursuit of mine. If you look at it for a while, you can see how it eludes to orbs within cubes, something that has three dimensions. Look at the flower and meditate on it. Tell me what you find. I have found some correlations below, as illustrated by the following diagram (click for full-size):


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