33: Where are you finding your answers?

Well, first of all, we all have access to the answers. Second of all, answers are still based on perspective so they are only as valid as our perspective allows them to be. So mine, of course, have that same limitation and are in no way any more or less valid than yours. For instance, a child’s reason for going to school may be that their guardian is making them. That is, to the child. Behind that reasoning, in the United States it’s the law. The guardian may be forcing them because of the law, because they don’t have time to teach them, because they think that school is important. The reason that this country created the law could be questioned. After all that, what does education mean to the universe and humankind? Even in this basic example you can see how difficult and flexible an answer can be. However, I can give you an accurate answer depending on how the question is asked. Using the same example I would use this Q: Why do children go to school, to them. A: The child goes to school because they are told or have the ability to choose and have chosen. In my mind, the answer is not final, and it should not be taken that way by my audience, even though it is ‘true’. It’s only as true as our perspective allows. What would happen if one child asked another why they go to school? Well, the answer I provided would most likely be a very sufficient placeholder of truth. The child asking the question probably would not think to inquire about the others parent’s perspective, and only a prodigy would ask about society’s perspective.

I’m confident in the answers that I’m giving based on the questions that I’m being asked. Part of the reason that I’m writing in a Q/A bases is because when someone asks me a question it forces me into the perspective to answer that question. Since someone else is doing the asking, I’m able to grow and better understand the way people view their universe. It’s also good up-keep for the mind. Many times we ask ourselves questions then put the question aside as not answerable. Later, we experience something that quenches our inquiry but we don’t always go back and actually answer the question to ourselves. For instance, many of us feel jealous at times. When we are young we usually act-out. When we get older, we (hopefully) contest the feeling. If we are smart we question the feeling. We ask, “Why am I feeling jealous?” Then we answer it. Answering it doesn’t mean that we will automatically not be jealous. In fact, I would say we would need to remind ourselves of the answer many times before it sinks in! In our lives, most of us have many of these types of Q/A, ones that we know the answers to, but need some reiteration for their strengthening.

More to the point of this question, ☺, I get the answers from my super-consciousness. I had an experience of enlightenment/nirvana as described in the first question of this text. Going into the experience I had 99.9% faith and many questions. Coming out, I had 100% faith and 0 questions (the change was so great that it took me a long time to figure out what to do with my life and what the next questions should be). My life ended in a way, but the questions that I had up to that point where answered (in the context of how they were asked). Many things went into my mind during the experience but I didn’t have the capacity to retain all of it, and did not try. But, anything that passed through I do have access to. I would describe the access to the super-consciousness kind of like the way we relate with/to god. Some people would say they would only believe in god if god was to ‘come down’ and speak to them, others of us know that god is always speaking.

The other source of my answers is from other people. They me be family or loved ones, or it could be someone standing at the bus stop. Answers come through many different means, many times outside of our selves. It’s up to us as individuals to feel/know what is truth and then to adapt our beliefs.

There is another factor, which I’ve mentioned briefly in prior texts, the feeling of truth. When I am/was spending time researching religions and philosophies, I find that the truth in them really stands out. I’m actually, usually, amazed at the amount of truth that is contained in most popular thought. By the actions of humanity I would have thought less accuracy would be found :-/ Even reading things as criticized as the Bible or Koran, I could ‘feel’ the truth in allot of their symbolisms and sometimes their words. For me, doing this research leaves my 6th chakra (the third eye) vibrating in an un-ignorable manner. When I express something that is true, you will know it though a combination of logic and feeling. By asking questions, you are elevating us all. Continue!


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