41: How do you stay so positive?

The main way that I stay positive is by taking ownership over my happiness. As a child I always believed that happiness is a choice, and after a lifetime of trials, I still do. One could be happy while they’re being picked apart by vultures, but their happiness wouldn’t necessarily be of value, especially if it prevented them from finding a way to escape from their situation. In other words, sometimes happiness is not what is needed for the best end result because it is the opposite of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction is the inspiration behind positive change (but it’s better to change first.) I believe that we need to bridge the duality, and we need to be dissatisfied while being satisfied, satisfied while being dissatisfied. That way we won’t need the feeling of dissatisfaction – we will be proactive in creating positivity. Now remember that this only applies to the things that are within our realm of changing. We shouldn’t measure our mood by external factors outside of our control. The more things that you have control over, the more responsibility you have. If you disregard this, life will show you in a way that may not be easy but will be understandable!

There are many ways to be positive. It’s also helpful to be around and interact with positive people. There is a verse that I read in the Buddhist I-Ching that basically talks about going into the town and drinking wine with people, laughing, but then going home alone or to family. The point being that if you are an aware positive person you shouldn’t isolate yourself from society. However, when it comes to your first circle of people close to you, they should either be positive OR be able to be influenced into being more positive. We are not here alone and we all need help at times so we should be open to giving and receiving it. Allot of times I speak of diligence and doing one’s best everyday. When defining what one’s best is, we need to factor in the amount of energy we have. I don’t try to burn myself out everyday because ultimately, it will affect my health either, mentally, physically, or psychologically. You have to allow yourself time to relax and wind-down. If you want to be able to jog for 5k, you should be happy to jog 1k for the first week. Ultimately, you’re the one setting your own goals so it’s within your power to set them in a way that pushes you the ideal amount for production without stress. This is a dynamic and lifelong thing, that we will constantly refine. Be positive by not being too hard on yourself. Look at your goals and don’t judge them by their distance, judge them by your daily effort towards them.

Being positive isn’t just a state of being it’s a state of doing. If you don’t think that negative thoughts enter my mind then you have the wrong impression of me. I’m no better than anyone else. Everyday there are challenges. One must see them thusly, and not as personal attacks from God or the Universe. This mindset can help us all stay more positive. There is little more negative then thinking everything is against you. Negative thinking is damaging to you regardless of its focus, towards yourself, others or wherever. Another thing is that anytime something negative comes to mind (for me it’s the wet slush falling down and me going outside in slippers), then counter it with something positive (in my case it’s that I’m back inside in the warm, have shelter, am full, am lucky), after that (and believing it!) it’s hard to remain negative. Again, being the human that I am, there are some things in my life that require a pretty conscious effort to balance out. I know from experience though, that by counter balancing the negative with positive, the negativity will go away. There are a limited amount of moments and experiences within one day. We don’t need to look ahead all of the time and worry if we are doing our best today. I believe that we definitely get feelings of unhappiness when we slack off in life. Most of us then usually distract ourselves from our lack of ambitions, when it comes to changes we need to make within ourselves. There is no trick to avoiding that feeling other than to sleep each night knowing you made a good effort that day. That’s what keeps me positive. The more we can remain positive while making changes, the less we will need to feel negativity in order to change. Act positive to be positive!


  1. I have been a big fan of yours since the last dragon, i watched that movie so many times, lmaoooo..... u showed up at my church, second cannon in manhattan, i thought i would die, cried and all....lol, havent seen u for awhile, i was on a friends twitter page then pooffff, here u r.....hello..... i am Kathoria but illasparks on Twitter. Smiles.


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