39: What do you think 11 11 is all about? Do these numbers appear to you?

After some meditation I do recall seeing these numbers a few years back for a few months. During that time, in addition to 11 11, I noticed a few other number combinations as well like 11:33, which is my birth time. This question is very tricky though because it deals with symbolism. I did some research and was surprised at the amount of people that see these combinations and feel that there is a spiritual significance behind them.

When it comes to symbolism, there are symbols that mean something to humankind, symbols that mean something to a particular culture, and there are symbols that mean something to an individual. Let’s talk about individual symbolism first. Individual symbolism concerns symbols that mean something to an individual. For me, seeing 11:33 on the clock all the time was personal. To the average person it would seem pretty meaningless. One thing that is sure is that God/the universe communicates to us in many different ways including symbols. That’s what makes this question difficult, because one person can’t qualify personal symbols for another person. A personal symbol, means what it means to the person receiving it. No one can tell me 11:33 is meaningless. Now that I have told you that it means something to me, what does it make me feel and think of? What does 11 11 make you feel or think of? Based on a limited amount of research I found that most people that frequently see number patterns feel that it is a form of communication from God/universe/angels. Since I know that this type of communication is possible, I’m not in a position to challenge the validity. In addition, I support anything that results in a positive outcome. The more people that understand we don’t just live and die in a vacuum the better. The more people that ask questions, the better off we are, because asking is the beginning of finding an answer. Now, going back to the types of symbolism I defined above, let me briefly mention symbolism of humankind. Numbers are one of, if not, the most powerful symbols that we use. The entire world uses a base 10 counting system and has been for thousands of years. Every combination of numbers that you see on a digital clock can be translated into meaning via numerology. The particular sequence of 11 11 obviously contains four 1s. The number 1 represents among other things, beginning, unity, initiative, isolation, and it is considered to mean, “I AM”, in terms of consciousness. The series is equal to four when combined. Some meanings behind the number 4 are, order, classification, measurement and it is actually labeled as, “Measuring Intelligence” by occultist. What does this mean overall? The fact that many people are ‘seeing’ it, and feel something behind, makes it significant.

Another factor that should be kept in consideration when dealing with the mind, is that it’s programmable and its’ accuracy is rarely used to its potential. I was recently watching a documentary about the mind. They had people looking at black and white photographs of cities, for helicopter landing pads. The people new what to look for, but the images would change too fast for them to be able to analyze them. The scientists were able to find out which photos had the pads by measuring an electrical pulse inside the brain that signified ‘found it’! Even though the person looking at the photographs did not consciously find the helicopter pads, there subconscious did find them! Another examples is that if you tell yourself a time to wake up, you can/will. This works for me all of the time, even though I’m not looking at the clock while I sleep. Your mind already knows the time relative to any clock you look at. If you look at the clock and see it change from 11:59 to 12:00 your subconscious mind will know exactly when it will turn 1:00 even if your conscious mind doesn’t. I say all of this because if you are consciously looking for number patterns you will surely find them subconsciously. I stopped noticing the numbers when I consciously decided that I wasn’t going to look for them. At that moment, if God/the universe wants to communicate, they will have to use a means that I’m more receptive too!

I’ve read a few theories including one that says there are 1,111 angels that are looking after us. I’m not in a position, nor do I have incentive, to challenge this either. If one of the 1,111 angels ‘came down’ and spoke to someone, and the person said that the angel said, x, y, and z I would focus on what x, y, and z are not whether or not an angel actually spoke to them (since I’ll never know). If I did, it would make me a hypocrite. Many people define my experience of nirvana as delusion, or even as an acid flashback (I wasn’t on ANY drug at the time of my experience) but it doesn’t matter to me, because what I took out of it, is not really refutable and doesn’t rely on that. A major transforming factor of my experience was going from 99.9% faith to 100%. I hope that the 11 11 phenomenon increases the faith of as many people as possible because God/the universe does speak to those that listen!


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