38: Did Jesus really "save" us giving his life on the cross?

First of all, I want to point out that Jesus gave us his life before he was sacrificed on the cross. People like myself that believe in reincarnation, don’t necessarily consider death to be a sacrifice. People that lead their life to teach others, as opposed to seeking isolated personal happiness, are living a sacrifice. Jesus was one of the greatest teachers known to this earth and he gave his life in order to teach us all how to live. In that way, you could say that he saved many of us by giving us guidelines on how to save our soul. Again, most people that believe in reincarnation don’t believe in eternal damnation. I do believe in a state of energy re-newel that recycles conscious energy thereby converting a negative outcome into energy to realize another equation. Meaning that, if a life energy is in conflict with the nature of the universe and can’t be fixed, it will be ‘destroyed’ (recycled). Teaching how to move with the flow of nature, which he taught, saves you from this result.

One of the most powerful things that I took out of my enlightening experience was forgiveness. Understanding the perfection of karma shows us that things happen for a reason. Once you have faith/knowledge of this, you can’t ‘blame’ people for their actions and you understand the ‘why’ behind yours. We need forgiveness in order to properly deal with the past, which is to learn from it and let it go. The past makes us who we are at the moment. In order to love yourself, you must do so completely, and you can’t do that if your full of guilt and regret. Loving yourself to the fullest, is loving everything that got you where you are now, regardless of your labels of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Once you do this, you will be loving and accepting of others as well. As someone who is dedicated to helping others, I can’t ask everyone to try to attain enlightenment in order to learn forgiveness. One way to do it would be to have others forgive themselves. Being blessed or baptized by Jesus or John helped their receivers forgive themselves. Believing in original sin and confession helps people to forgive themselves.

If you are trying to help people out do you teach a few all the steps or do you teach everyone the first step? I believe that Jesus is more of a role model and teacher, than someone that should be idolized as an intermediary between God and our selves. God is within us all and no one is favored. Again, there is something to be said about feeling saved but at the same time, let’s be diligent in our personal pursuits for improvement and kindness. Make sure to forgive others if you want god/them to forgive you!


  1. this is Veronica, thanks for your answer first of all. You must know Jesus is my greatest role model. But coming back to the original question: did he save us with his teachings and his death? even 2000 years after, do we do onto others as we want others do onto us? do we have enough faith as to move a mountain? is there less violence? do we treat each other as a family? how is the current state of the world? do you see evolution?

  2. I really sympathize with your questions and comments. One of the main things I’m teaching/learning is that life is about that everyday, “do on to others” and less important are the details of philosophy. You must act, not just think/feel. Unfortunately, most people are concerned with selfish pursuits and don’t want spirituality because it makes them feel guilty. When we are born, we have a hole in us and that’s why we cry. Before birth (and after death) we are one with everything. The amount of love that is felt is unbelievable. When we come into this world our conscious mind is separated from the all and we feel this absence. We separate so that we can be unique and focus on fine-tuning our expression of who we are. Our real nature is both separate and connected to each other. We all must re-establish our connection with our selves, god, and each other, (the same thing) in order to fill this void. Most people fill their void with material things and other people (as objects not as individuals). This only temporarily satiates us and such pursuits usually take us in paths that distance our connection. Then we feel spiritually worse with a greater need to fulfill the void. Since we don’t know how, we then try to supplement with more objects. Humanity needs to break out of this cycle. In this country everything is about being number one. This mentality needs to change. We need to care about the team that lost, that came in third, everyone! We need to care more about playing then winning.

    I’ll have you know that I’m working on something that is more social in scope. I’m not ready to unveil it at this time, and it won’t necessarily be done through bruce__leroy, but basically there are social aspects that need to be address in regards to the average world citizen. In the past religion has taught tolerance. I only believe in half tolerance and half change. When I talk about loving self, which is an active acceptance that is NOT mutually exclusive with demanding self-improvement. I feel the same way about society. However, if I don’t want to accept the way society is, I must be willing to change it.

    As far as Jesus’ contribution to humankind, I can say without hesitation that his works, and the witness of his works, have greatly improved the overall standard of living in this world. Just the fact that you, 2000 years later, are quoting him and holding him as inspiration in your heart, is proof of this.

    There is always going to be an average, which is less then the ‘high’, and greater then the ‘low’. This means that conscious people like us will always feel that the average can move up, and we won’t be understood by them. We have to accept to some degree that this will always be the case. There are beings that could consider our so called, “advanced thinking” as barbaric. We need to stop contributing to the problem by focusing on our differences. We need to focus on our common needs. The same way that people are ignorant today, we were ignorant yesterday or lifetimes ago. We need to nurture them because they are us, with no greater or lesser value.

    We can change the world by doing the right thing everyday. Trust me, everything is where it should be, if we all do our best today, and tomorrow I’ll say the same thing. Start changing your world and you will change the whole world. Who’s to say how much positive effect one good deed you do will amount to? The universe/God will put in your path what you can change, you will feel an instinct to do what you should. The more you listen to it, the clearer it will become. You’ll find that there doesn’t have to be a difference between your way and the way of God/the universe.

    Even though I say we are where we should be, that’s different from where we could be. Do I think we are evolving? Yes, we are evolving, slowly but surely. We could be in a much better place, but we aren’t and are suffering (fairly) because of it. So let’s all fix it!

  3. Thank you Bruce. Insightful answer. I believe that still 2000 years after, most cling to him and ask in his name out of fear. Few practice his truth out of love and compassion. An enlightened society is still miles ahead, so lets keep up the work! Blessings. V.


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