53: What helps you continue growth, physically?

I believe that life is very cyclic in nature, the same way that a bio-rhythm has ups and downs. We have to use our thoughts to discriminate when we should enforce discipline and we should follow a feeling to go with the flow of nature, change. This applies to most things. It applies to physical fitness in a sense that there are time to ‘grow’, there are times to maintain, and times to rest. This goes for your workout during the week , it goes for your workout, during the year, it goes for your workout during your life. There have been times in my life that I was able to train for eight hours a day (Karate, yoga, weight training) and times when after work, and transportation to work, I only had five hours left to sleep. There was little difference in my discipline, but much difference in opportunity. Your body is your temple and requires constant maintenance. Anything that we take into our body needs to be monitored, so diet is of course important. I’m a vegetarian but honestly I could eat better!

Maintaining your body should consist of four basic things, diet, cardiovascular, breathing and stretching. That is what I practice. For growth, sometimes I weight train and sometimes I practice isometrics. Right now my routine each week (7 days) is ambitious (at other times not so much) and is as follows; 7 days yoga, 6 days sit-ups, 4 days cross-trainer, 3 days pushups – and other chest isometrics, 3 days pull-ups, chin-ups, wide-grip (of course these items over lap and take about two and a half hours per day). The yoga includes meditation and when I’m finished I drink a smoothie with whey protein =) For me, it's easiest if I can workout during the same exact time, right now I'm lucky to have the time to do this every morning.


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